Friday, November 01, 2013

Tomba 2

This is a cute little adventure platformer that manages to avoid that annoying assumption that most platformers make, if there is a pit you are jumping over it has to be a pit of death. It brings some 3D into the side scrolling by allowing you change direction at certain crossroad points so instead of just going right and left you can also access the background and foreground. Many adventure games have an omnipresent risk of death the lends a tension to the experience and keeps you on guard, this game feels more like a puzzle game in the sense that you can die if you screw up, but mostly you are just trying to complete objectives in a fairly relaxing environment. This is a game to play if you want to unwind, but are in the mood for a little more narrative than a standard puzzle game.

Game play video

In a five star ranking system,
I give this game 4.5

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