This game is as awesome as its cut scenes are stupid (although they are awesome AND stupid). Its like a Robert Rodriguez but even less concerned with plot or any attempt to make sense.
The opening cut scene starts out with a woman in an improbably designed bustier falling from the sky and landing in the middle of an empty street in classic, one knee to the ground I just landed really hard, fashion. You know, the kind of landing they do in all the movies, but it would shatter your patella in real life. That's fine, no complaint. She stands up slowly and looks down the street at the business she intends to enter. We cut to inside this establishment where Dante is sitting in room full of demon heads he has stuck on the wall with swords. Suddenly the woman who fell from the sky busts through the wall on a motorcycle. Where the hell did she get a motor cycle. After some weak banter she proceeds to impale Dante on his giant sword, electrocute him and throw her motorcycle at him. After Dante has blown the cycle out of the air with his giant guns and pulled the sword out of his own chest he prepares to shoot his attacker and then pauses. Why would he pause? Who knows. But she uses this opportunity to say she was just kidding about the attempted murder and wants to hire him for a job. Sure, why not!
This game fulfills the promise that the box cover throws down. You run around fighting things with a sword that is as big as you are and an improbably large pare of revolvers, One black, one white, that instead having the normal boring compliment of six bullets have INFINITE. If I could type the little tipped over 8 that represents infinity I would.
This is my type of game. A game where you have to kill all of the bad guys in the room before you can move on to the next section. A game where every new item you pick up flies toward the screen spinning and making the totally badass rapid ThipThipThip noise of helicopter blades before a little box pops up to explain what it is.
When you beat the first section and it gives you the option of switching to "easy" controls one is left wondering why they didn't have the option to just start out that way. Would I like easier combos and the ability to turbo fire my infinite ammo guns by holding down the button instead of having to continually mash it? YES PLEASE! I am warned that I can never switch back to the lame control style. . . Why not? I mean I don't want to, but why not? Oh well.
Game play video
In a five star ranking system
I give this game a well deserved 4.5
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