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Thursday, November 21, 2013
Metal Gear Solid 2
The new ability to sneak up behind a guy and snap his neck makes the game play in this sequel a significant improvement upon its predecessor. I know you are suppose to try and get through each level without killing any of the guards, but the thing is if you sneak past them they are still walking around looking for you, and if you knock them out they will wake up eventually, it is a temporary solution. I don't like to cut corners. . . That is patently false, I cut corners all the time. I grew up playing games where you HAD to kill all the bad guys before you could move on to the next screen, I can kind of accept not doing that if it makes sense, but when it is more convenint to slaughter all your enemies, why wouldn't you?
I did only a smidgen of the actual story mode. You are going to take the invisibility cloak away from me before the opening cut scene is even over? REALLY? Disappointing!
Most of my time was spent failing at the VR missions, and doing the skateboarding game. It is difficult to get enough air to pull off any really impressive stunts and snake feels kind of heavy. It is no Tony Hawk game, but it is fun skating around the Big-Shell platforms with snakes bandana blowing behind him. I also enjoyed the fact that you kill the gun turrets just by crashing into them repeatedly.
Game play video
(This guy is so much better than me its astounding)
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