Thursday, November 21, 2013

No One Lives Forever

This game has a fun 60's spy movie esthetic and a remarkably engaging opening cut scene. The beginning tutorial was through and I was having a good enough time that I kept playing after the 30 minutes was up, but during a sneaking tutorial I found the temptation to smack one of the guards in the back of the head too great to resist. I was instantly informed that killing a civilian had caused a mission failure and kicked back to the very beginning to the tutorial. First of all how was I to know my bare hands would be lethal, secondly isn't this the sort of thing that I should be taught in the low risk environment of a tutorial? Why punish me by making me do the parts I understand over again? I would have been perfectly happy to do the sneaking part over again, but I wasn't about to redo the five other training rooms that came before that just so I could get a second crack at it.

Game play video

In a five star ranking system
I give this game 4

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