Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Shadow of Destiny

Dammit, if the games I intend to keep playing continue to stack up like this I am not going to have time for much else. I will admit I was not looking forward to playing this game, because I literally judged it by its cover. The cover looks boring.
I was expecting a J-RPG but the game play is more akin to survival horror, except I found it more engaging that I usually find the denizens of that particular genera. The game begins with a young woman leaving a cafe, glancing significantly at her watch in a foreshadowing fashion, and walking down a cobblestone street in what looks to be a cute little German village before getting stabbed in the back by an unseen assailant. Our protaganist wakes up on a floating island with Lewis Carroll decorating scheme and is told by a disembodied voice that she can go back in time and prevent her own death. Our protagonist speaks for the first time, voicing her concerns, in a distinctly masculine voice. It appears the main character is actually a dude. . .   The funny thing is it actually took more work to give him a small and delicately rounded chin. A big rectangular block would have been much easier to render. Whatever, the sex of my character is irrelevant, the point is I have to travel through time to prevent my own death. Being use to video games where I can stab blood thirsty raptors to death with a hunting knife, I just assumed that I was to walk down the same cobble stone street again, but this time be prepared to fight my assailant. As it turns out, my interactions with the world are limited to having conversations, opening doors, and traveling through time. I must go back to before the attack and gather a group of people to stand next me when I am to be murdered, so that my would be killer will give up and try again later when there are no witnesses. This seems like a temporary solution to an ongoing problem. None the less I am intrigued. I will definitely be playing more of this game when I have time.

Game play video

In a five star ranking system
I give this game 4

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