Wednesday, December 04, 2013


This game is fantastic. I sat down to do a quick 30 minute play through and write off a review and still have time for a snack before I head off to class. An hour and a half later I noticed how long I'd been playing and shoved a bag of trail mix into my pocket as I scrambled to get out the door on time. This reminded me of Zelda game in the way that you are a mute protagonist who still manages to have conversations with villagers in between going on quests.
The drawing mechanic works better than I would expect with a analogue stick and controls in general are just great. The cell shading and overall esthetic of the game is gorgeous and the game play has great flow. It is a game that sucks you in, and makes you want to ruin all of the beautiful environments by cutting everything in half with your slashing paintbrush maneuver. I also really appreciate that in every encounter with a village person you are given the opportunity to either speak to them, or bite them. If you decide to grab them in your jaws and drag them a short distance they are not overly perturbed and are perfectly to carry on the conversation after they have regained their footing.
The pause menu also keeps a list of all the enemies you have encountered, as well as all of the friendly wild life. This is another game I am going to have to play more of after I have worked my way through all of the games awaiting review.

Game play video

In a five star rating system
I give this game 5

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