Thursday, December 05, 2013


This game is made by the same people who did Odin Sphere so it is similarly pretty, but not quite as impressively so. The side scrolling RTS style game play means you are not zoomed in as close and thus less able to appreciate the detail of the character design, the levels are all indoors so the gorgeous landscapes and sunsets of Odin Sphere are replaced by stone walls, and the colors are not as bright and vibrant. The cut scenes are still great, but I didn't find the neo-victorian style of people at the magic university as visually arresting as the show girls and battle armor, quasi medieval fashions of Odin Sphere. Don't get me wrong this game is very pretty, its just not as pretty as Odin Sphere. I did find the story and the game play more engaging though. I am a fan of RTS games, and Harry Potter style story about a new student at a woefully unsafe school for which craft and wizardry is interesting.

game play video

In a five star ranking system
I give this game 4

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