In stark contrast to the previous game I reviewed (Hear of Darkness) this game take incredibly long to reload when you die, in fact it kicks you back to the menu screen if you haven't made it to a save point yet. Assuming you start mashing the triangle button continuously the second you die, so that you select new game the second the menu screen loads, it will take you 15 seconds from the moment you die until you can start playing again. Think about that. Think about it for 15 seconds, go ahead and count. Once you are back it doesn't mean you are back to where you died, oh no, you are back at the beginning of the level. You still have to walk to the elevator, press the button, skip the cinematic, and go down a hallway until you can get shot again. This game has a marvelously well developed esthetic. An obvious take off on blade runner, with one of the earlier attempts at cell shading, it would be really interesting if everything in the actual play experience, from the sluggish and clumsy controls to the painfully slow loading screens, wasn't absolutely terrible.
Game play video
In a five star ranking system,
I give this game 2 and it is lucky to get that many.
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