My brother came into town this week for the decades old, multi family, annual tradition that is:
Before he came I called him and asked if he might be able to brig his copy of rouge squadron for the N64.
"I'll bring the one for the game cube, it was better"
When I reminded him that I don't have a game cube he said
"I'll bring a game cube too"
When he got here he presented me with these two boxes.
Inside the boxes.
He explained that since Arkham Origins was out he figured he would lend me his PS3 to play it on, and figured he would bring "a few" other games as well.
"I mean you've only got one class this semester right? You've got some time on your hands"
69 games spanning 5 systems, representing decades of gaming history and hundreds, most likely over one thousand, gaming hours.
I could not hope to beat all of these games. Some will be stupidly hard, some would just be an unpleasant chore to play through, but I could sample all of them. Ever game on this table represents the work of a team of skilled programmers working 40 hour weeks for months some times years on end. I can sacrifice 30 minutes of my time to sample and appreciate their artistic output.
(as arbitrarily made up by me just now)
I play each game for a minimum of half an hour.
I write a quick review of each (time spent writing review is NOT to exceed time spent playing game).
I work through one system before I move on to another.
The order of systems will be:
Play station 1
Play station 2
Game cube
Play station 3
Let the games begin.