Runtime of 97 minutes
I was under the impression that this film was an American horror drama, as are most Zombie films, it was in fact an Australian comedy. This shouldn't be a problem, I like Paul Hogan and his Crocodile Dundee films. I am a fan of Yahoo Serious' short but brilliant career. The problem is, this movie sucked, terribly. I always like to see a Zombie comedy, but it's important that a comedy is actually funny. The zombie makeup was fantastic, unfortunately it was squandered on a plot that had no idea where it was going and group of actors as obnoxiously over the top as Jim Carry in one of his movies that suck. But It's the ham handed execution of an underdeveloped plot line involving Aliens that gives this movie the distinction of being far worse than the average crappy Zombie flick.
Mar 19, 2006
The movie follows the winner of a small town beauty pageant. Meteorites rain down on her small town and turn everybody they contact into Zombies. As is always the case, the Zombies bite other people and Zombie-ism proliferates. Our protagonist wanders around for a while until some acid rain drives her into a big spooky house looking for shelter. She observes alien tractor beams abducting grass hoppers from the field outside and then meets a weird guy with a stupid hat who fights off the zombies with three shot guns he has bound together. These two meet a few other insipid survivors and they all lock themselves in a bomb shelter for a while, wander around for a bit, get caught in the acid rain again, and do the requisite zombie movie scene where they look for supplies in an abandoned store. Eventually they come to a giant wall with spikes on it that seems to go around the entire town. It is at this point that the movie starts to suck even harder. One guy tries to climb the wall, gets up a couple stories and falls to his death. His girl friend turns into a zombie and then turns back to normal for no apparent reason, and a dude gets into a small plane and tries to fly over the wall. Once he's above the clouds he sees that all the people, and presumably grasshoppers, that have been lifted into the air by Aliens and are floating there - asleep. He crashes into one and his plain goes down in a field on the other side of the wall.Meanwhile. the Aliens come down to our protagonist and her new friend with the stupid hat, who are still standing by the wall The Aliens wave their arms around a little, talk in subtitles and leave. The wall lifts into the air and flies away all the Zombies turn back into people and everything is normal again. The gun slinging guy with the stupid had tells the beauty queen that she fought admirably and she is the guardian of this town. The guy who crashed his plane comes back as a zombie and starts biting people. We cut to the final scene, everybody in the town is a zombie and they are all crowded into a chain link fence enclosure. The Beauty queen is guarding the fence and does a soliloquy about hoping the Aliens will return and fix this. Until then she will stand guard, with her four shot guns bound together.
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