Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Review: Slither

This is not a zombie movie in the strictest sense but it does have corpses shuffling around with a hunger for flesh that cannot be slaked, so it mostly qualifies. The special effects are impressive, the acting is good and energetic, the film has a light hearted tongue in cheek feel that harkens back to the less plausible "giant man eating animal movies" of the 70's (hungry frogs, rabbits, etc).

The movie focuses on a man who has grown slimy and malevolent due to an alien parasite and the people trying to stop him. Unfortunately this draws the focus ways from the zombie horde created by the secondary parasites. These parasites share a hive mind with the slimy malevolent fellow and can be made to speak. Aside from that, they are standard zombies. If you like campy horror you'll like this film


We are introduced to all the key characters in the small town where a meteorite has struck. The Obnoxious Mayor, the wry police chief, the blond he carries a torch for, and an old guy married to the blond. The old guy starts getting frisky with his unresponsive young blond and after being rebuffed goes off to the bar where this chick starts hitting on him. They go to the woods and start making out but the old guy has second thoughts and starts to leave when he sees the meteorite. He follows a slime trail away from the meteorite to discover a giant slug which shoots something at him that burrows into his chest and finds it's way into his brain. He wakes up tells the woman he's fine and goes home to eat a bunch of raw meat. He spends a couple days acting weird and eating neighborhood dogs then goes and injects the woman from the bar with his creepy alien injector tentacles.

The police chief goes to the guys house but only his wife is home. "Hey, um... we think your husband is connected to this missing woman. If it turns out he did kill her, you'd pretty much be single again right?" (reading between the lines). When the police leave and her husband comes back, she is concerned about his new creepy injector tentacles. There is a struggle and the police chief comes back and chases away the tentacacle guy. There are reports of missing cattle over the next few days and the chief decides that he knows which farm is going to be hit next. Everybody goes and stakes the place out. They advise the farmer to keep his family inside and they all get into position. After a while the tentacle guy shows up, now he's really big and has more tentacles. His wife tries to talk him down but he cuts some dude in half and bolts.

They give chase but eventually lose him near a barn. Inside, they discover the woman from the bar who has been missing. she's surrounded by half eaten animal carcasses and her body is so ridiculously swollen it looks like a giant beach ball with a head sticking out of it. She rips open and a flood of slugs poor out and start trying to get into everybody's mouth. The cops suffer the predictable fate of peripheral characters in a horror movie. This leaves the chief the mayor and the blond. This is where the investment of your time, dear viewer, will pay dividends. Dividends in zombie. All the cops that died from slug in the mouth related causes rise and start shuffling around with blank ashen faces (totally zombie), then they start talking to the blond in unison. Apparently they share a hive mined with her husband, the large tentacles. (This is rather unzombie like.)

Meanwhile the farmer's family is beseiged by the wave of swiftly slithering slugs. All of them succumb to the enemie's superior numbers except the comely daughter who is bathing at the time (these horror movie conventions must be maintained). Just before she manages to pull one of the slugs from her mouth she catches a flash of the hive mind, and sees memories of the conquest of an alien world alongside the life of the old guy who has grown tentacles. She clothes herself and narrowly escapes from the house to seek refuge in the family car. Her zombiefied family comes shuffling out of the house and tries to get in the car. They speak, which is lamentable, but I will take my zombies where I can get them.

The police chief rescues the girl and they go to the police station. They can't call for help because the radio doesn't work, and the only thing left in the weapons cabinet is a grenade. After a close call with a zombefied deer they meet up with the mayor and the blond. They traverse the zombie infested town to confront the malevolent, tentacled force behind it. The battle goes poorly and the grenade misses its mark. Just when everything seems lost they manage to blow the guy up with a propane tank, like in Jaws, and Halloween 2, Dawn of the dead (2004) Pressurized gas tanks are just handy to have around. The death of the hive mind kills all the zombies, and our heroes all limp away victoriously, seeking medical attention (except the mayor - he was killed). At this point the credits roll and most of you would stop watching here, but lets be honest, if you were watching this film your time isn't that valuable. After the credits we see a house cat wandering amongst the gore. It starts licking a pod that opens up to reveal one of the burrowing projectiles that infected the first guy. The screen goes dark and you hear the cat yowl. One wonders what kind of invasion could be started by a malevolent alien hive mind that was led by a cat.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Today is Easter, the only holiday about zombies. This is the day that Jesus came back from the dead as a zombie. He said to his apostles:
"Hey it's me Jesus"
and Thomas was like
"No way dude"
and Jesus said
"Remember just before I got nailed by the Romans I invited you all over for dinner and then I told you to eat of my blood and my flesh"
and Paul said
"dude that was just bread and wine, I thought you were doing some sort of metaphorical thingy"
and Jesus said
"Nope, it transmuted into bits of me inside your stomach. Anyway, now it's my turn. I am going to eat you "
so all the apostles died eggs pink and drew squiggly lines on them so they'd look like brains and they told zombie Jesus that they would hide them and he would have to look for them. Then zombie Jesus got tired of looking so he ate some bunnies and chicks. And that is the origin of Easter

Monday, April 03, 2006

Review: Undead

Runtime of 97 minutes

I was under the impression that this film was an American horror drama, as are most Zombie films, it was in fact an Australian comedy. This shouldn't be a problem, I like Paul Hogan and his Crocodile Dundee films. I am a fan of Yahoo Serious' short but brilliant career. The problem is, this movie sucked, terribly. I always like to see a Zombie comedy, but it's important that a comedy is actually funny. The zombie makeup was fantastic, unfortunately it was squandered on a plot that had no idea where it was going and group of actors as obnoxiously over the top as Jim Carry in one of his movies that suck. But It's the ham handed execution of an underdeveloped plot line involving Aliens that gives this movie the distinction of being far worse than the average crappy Zombie flick.


The movie follows the winner of a small town beauty pageant. Meteorites rain down on her small town and turn everybody they contact into Zombies. As is always the case, the Zombies bite other people and Zombie-ism proliferates. Our protagonist wanders around for a while until some acid rain drives her into a big spooky house looking for shelter. She observes alien tractor beams abducting grass hoppers from the field outside and then meets a weird guy with a stupid hat who fights off the zombies with three shot guns he has bound together. These two meet a few other insipid survivors and they all lock themselves in a bomb shelter for a while, wander around for a bit, get caught in the acid rain again, and do the requisite zombie movie scene where they look for supplies in an abandoned store. Eventually they come to a giant wall with spikes on it that seems to go around the entire town. It is at this point that the movie starts to suck even harder. One guy tries to climb the wall, gets up a couple stories and falls to his death. His girl friend turns into a zombie and then turns back to normal for no apparent reason, and a dude gets into a small plane and tries to fly over the wall. Once he's above the clouds he sees that all the people, and presumably grasshoppers, that have been lifted into the air by Aliens and are floating there - asleep. He crashes into one and his plain goes down in a field on the other side of the wall.

Meanwhile. the Aliens come down to our protagonist and her new friend with the stupid hat, who are still standing by the wall The Aliens wave their arms around a little, talk in subtitles and leave. The wall lifts into the air and flies away all the Zombies turn back into people and everything is normal again. The gun slinging guy with the stupid had tells the beauty queen that she fought admirably and she is the guardian of this town. The guy who crashed his plane comes back as a zombie and starts biting people. We cut to the final scene, everybody in the town is a zombie and they are all crowded into a chain link fence enclosure. The Beauty queen is guarding the fence and does a soliloquy about hoping the Aliens will return and fix this. Until then she will stand guard, with her four shot guns bound together.