The production value was fairly high, and the cinematography was quite competent, but no amount of fancy camerawork can save a script this poor. In fact, nothing could.
Corpses Are Forever
The film starts out in black and white. A guy with a British accent that comes and goes has just woken up with grievous injuries. We fallow his story for a while as he searches for the guy who kidnapped his son and left him a series of clues. Next we see a guy with a bloody nose wake up in a vintage car. Things are finally in color and we get our first sight of zombies. He wanders around a warehouse knocking over zombies with a series of painfully slow punches and kicks that never actually make contact, but luckily the zombies fall over as long as he's with in a few feet of them. Then his watch tells him a team is coming in to pull him out. Then a team of people in the green and brown army camouflage clothes come and pick him up.
A creepy old guy explains that the guy with the talking watch has been taking a serum that makes him relive the memories of somebody else but as a side effect he has amnesia. The guy who's memories he is reliving is somehow connected to the zombie plague and ensuing apocalypse. Then the old guy reveals that our man with the talking watch has a wife that he didn't know about. You know, because of the amnesia.
More poorly written plot unfurls revealing further twists and turns, and with each inevitably comes an even larger plot hole. It's like unfolding musty old linens to discover they've all been chewed through with moth holes. The watch guy keeps seeing a woman covered in blood who will give him advice and suddenly disappear. He takes the memory serum a number of times until he eventually stumbles onto the final memory of the chap with the transient British accent. It turns out the guy actually killed his own son and the guy who's leavening him the clues is actually the devil who has kidnapped his son's soul. The guy sells his own soul in exchange for his son's and this triggers the end of days, but wait - it gets even stupider. It turns out that the devil is the old guy who was explaining the memory serum. When watch man discovers this the devil appears to him and tells him that his "wife" is actually his sister, and that the two of them must have sex because, well that was never really explained, but they have to.
Watch man understandably declines and the devil ties him and the side kicks he acquired somewhere along the way to a post, and leaves them for the zombies. The phantom girl covered in blood comes and rescues them, and then appears twice more to rescue them each time they hit a snag as they try to escape. in the final scene she gives them all guns and happily skips away. Then the watch guy considers the crowd of zombies slowly advancing on them and says:
Watch Guy: "How many people are in the world"
Sidekick: "Roughly six billion. If we travel the world we should have enough shells for everybody"
Watch Guy: "I like that. Lets begin"
We are promised that the story will continue in "the corpse who loved me" should we care to watch it and the credits roll, accompanied by outtakes.
I will admit the final scene was cute but, its just not practical. assuming only five billion people became zombies each of the three members of the team would need to kill three zombies a second for 8 hours a day and do this every single day for 52.8 years. Preposterous.