she said. And thus began our six month odyssey. No simple words, no pallid photos could possibly impress upon you, dear reader, the great art she hath wrought, but none the less I shall try.
I imported a screen capture from mega man two into a picture editing program and drew over it pixel by pixel to make sure I was recreating the picture faithfully. Once I had our blue print. . .

all we had to do was count the number of pixels of each color and that is how many "granny squares" we would need.
Including the white background and a one pixel wide border all around it was 22 by 26 squares. My sweet and patient girlfriend crocheted 572 "granny squares" in all.
Then we laid it out and began sewing it together section by section
Once it was all together she crocheted a border of dark blue/light blue/dark blue.
Here it is draped over a chair like some super bad ass amoeba eating a chair shaped bacteria
and here are some pics of my girl friend and I holding it up in all its glory.