This movie has some decent zombie makeup, some poor but passable acting, and some impressive locations for the budget they’re working with. However the script was flat and the whole thing left me feeling cold. The scene where they are attacked by a blood thirsty dairy cow was unacceptable.
Feb 25, 2006
Dead Meat
runtime 80 minutes
I don’t remember this movie very well. It was so lame I watched a lot of it on fast forward.
A couple is driving through the middle of nowhere in Ireland when they hit someone. They check on the hapless pedestrian and discovered he is dead, little do they know he has been this way since long before they hit him. The guy who was driving gets bitten and subsequently becomes a zombie himself. This has a deleterious effect on the couple’s relationship and the woman takes off running. She wanders through the hills for a while, then gets attacked by a zombie in an empty house where she is saved by a chap with a shovel. This fellow explains he is the local gravedigger and that a new strain of Creutzfeldt-Jakob (mad cow disease) has caused the zombies.
They find a little girl whose whole family has turned, and another couple in a jeep. All five of em’ drive around for a while and then the jeep gets stuck in the mud and surrounded by zombies. Just when it looks like it’s all over the zombies run away.
Zombies aren’t afraid of anything, so this is stupid. It turns out the fearsome adversary is a "mad cow". This is stupider. Then the cow pulls one of the women out of the car and eats her, and this is the stupidest thing in the whole damn movie. Even if it were possible for specific brain damage to make the ludicrously docile dairy cow a hyper aggressive beast, that doesn’t change the fact that not one of its four stomachs was meant to eat meat. ITS TEETH AREN’T EVEN SHAPED RIGHT!
When the cow’s hunger slacks, the remaining three are able to run for the dubious shelter of a crumbling castle (hey it’s Ireland). As the castle is surrounded a swat team arrives, and puts the girl in the back of a truck with a bunch of other survivors. Thankfully, the film is over.